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Dub Nutrition Supplements

Epix.Fitness is now offering

Dub Nutrition Supplements.

Protein in a pouch.

Fat burner,

and Metabolism Enhancment

for extreme weight loss.

Order online and have your suppliments shipped directly to your home.

What is Dub Nutrition?

Jeremy Wardle's experience with his own health challenges allows him to understand the deep personal struggles that many face with gaining and maintaining good health. Two frightening trips to the emergency room in his early 30's gave Jeremy an unexpected wake up call. With his eyes wide open to the fragile circumstances surrounding his life, he and his wife implemented serious health changes. Extending his life created a purposeful search for answers. With the help of a health mentor that served Jeremy for 2 years, his views and perspective began to change. During this journey dub nutrition was born to assist individuals meet and conquer their personal health challenges. dub nutrition thrives through a combination of Jeremy Wardle's health transformation and his previous two decades as a successful entrepreneur. Jeremy acquired his first national business at the age of 25. This foundation of business success supports dub nutrition's passion for serving the individual. The empathetic approach and understanding of the health and wellness industry is the driving force behind dub nutrition's vision to help change the physical and financial health of America. Hollie Wardle has been a Home Maker and Jeremy's Business partner for 17 years. She also lived the trauma of those two emergency visits to the hospital with Jeremy. As a young mother, her determination to keep her family together and healthy opened up many doors. Her expertise in personal training is second to none. Each day she takes the valuable lessons learned along side Jeremy and personally trains women of all ages in tackling their heath challenges and goals. She has a world class gym of her own built into her home where she can work with her clients and still be mom! Come join Hollie and Jeremy and share the mission of "Uniting for One Healthy Generation."


Donations are how we Provide Free Webcam Fitness Classes for P.E. Classes across the country.

Mary Ellen Henderson Middle School in Virginia, just completed the 2nd week of Skype Fitness Training with Master Trainer Justin Rogers.  


Click Here to see the the actual routine footage and comments the kids left on the experience.


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